Sunday's 10:30 am
Wednesday's 7:00 pm
Welcome... the Dumas Church of Christ Web Site. We are a local congregation of the Church of Christ meeting at S. 14th and Meredith in Dumas, Texas.
We encourage you to look around. We would be honored for you to visit our worship services and learn of The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Inside you are invited to visit and learn what to expect when you do visit as well as a brief summation of what we believe.
We know there are a lot of other things you could be doing right now and are thankful that you chose to visit us here. You might visit our friends at or check out their Library.
March 1, 2025
Ephesians 1:18 (NKJV)
18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

If you have any questions about spiritual matters
or anything else pertaining to Christianity
please feel free to contact us.
We'll do our best to give you an
honest, Biblical, God honoring answer.
1400 S. Meredith
Dumas, Texas 79029
806-935-7966 / 806-683-0656 / 806-683-6361
Site Links: What to Expect when you visit; What we believe; map-directions; members page
We love your feedback.
Please send us any comments or suggestions you have about this site. Contact us at